Black African and LGBTQ Refugees Working Group on Equity in Housing and Employment


The Black African and LGBTQ Refugees Working Group on Equity in Housing and Employment aims to address and mitigate the unique challenges faced by Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees in accessing equitable housing and employment opportunities. The working group fosters a collaborative environment to develop and implement strategies that promote inclusivity, equity, dignity and sustainability in housing and employment for these marginalized communities.

The working group is committed  to creating a more inclusive and equitable society where Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees can thrive in their new communities.


The primary goal of the working group is to create a comprehensive framework that ensures equitable access to housing and employment for Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees. This involves identifying barriers, advocating for policy changes, and facilitating programs and initiatives that support the economic and social integration of these communities.

Objectives of the Working Group 

Identify Barriers
  • Conduct research and gather data on the specific challenges faced by Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees in accessing housing and employment.
  • Engage with community members to understand their lived experiences and identify systemic obstacles.
Advocate for Policy Changes
  • Work with government agencies, non-profits, and other stakeholders to advocate for policy reforms that promote equity in housing and employment.
  • Push for the implementation of anti-discrimination laws and practices that limit and undermine Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees.
Develop Support Programs
  • Create and promote programs that provide targeted support for Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees in finding safe, affordable housing and stable employment.
  • Offer mentorship, training, and resources to help refugees navigate the housing and job markets.
Foster Community Engagement
  • Build strong networks and partnerships with community organizations, employers, and housing providers to create supportive environments for refugees.
  • Organize workshops, seminars, and forums to raise awareness and educate stakeholders about the unique needs of Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees.
Monitor and Evaluate:
  • Continuously monitor the effectiveness of the implemented strategies and programs.
  • Collect feedback from community members and adjust initiatives as needed to ensure they meet the evolving needs of the refugees.

Issues Addressed by the Working Group 

Discrimination and Bias
  • Addressing systemic racism and homophobia/transphobia in housing and employment sectors.
  • Develop anti-discrimination policies and practices that ensure fair treatment of Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees in accessing housing and Employment.
Access to Safe and Affordable Housing
  • Tackle the shortage of affordable housing options for refugees.
  • Advocate for the development of inclusive housing policies and programs that cater to the needs of marginalized communities.
Employment Opportunities
  • Identify barriers to employment such as lack of recognition of foreign qualifications, language barriers, and lack of professional networks.
  • Develop job placement programs and partnerships with employers willing to hire and support refugees.
Economic Empowerment
  • Promote financial literacy and provide resources for refugees to achieve economic independence.
  • Support entrepreneurship and small business development among Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees.
Mental Health and Well-being
  • Recognize the impact of homelessness, unemployment, discrimination, and trauma on the mental health of refugees.
  • Provide access to mental health services and create supportive community networks.
Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness
  • Educate service providers, employers, and the broader community on the cultural and social backgrounds of Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees.
  • Promote cultural sensitivity and awareness to foster inclusive and supportive environments.

Membership to the Working Group

Membership to the working group is open to all individuals in Ontario who are Black African refugees or former refugees with lived
experiences of homelessness or unemployment.

Additionally, membership is also open to individuals or organizations with knowledge and experience in working with and supporting Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers facing homelessness and employment barriers.

Meetings of the Working Group

The working group meets once every 2nd week of the month. Meetings can be attended either in person or virtually. Member agencies with the capacity to host in-person meetings are encouraged to reach out to the Working Group Coordinator, Patrick King Mwesigye, at

How to Join the Working Group

To join the working group, please contact the Coordinator, Patrick King Mwesigye, at

We will send you the membership form to complete.

By joining this working group, you will be contributing to meaningful change and support for Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees in Ontario, helping to create equitable access to housing and employment opportunities.