Amplifying Voices and Advocating for Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and HIV Issues Affecting Black Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Canada

Healthy Futures: SRHR Awareness and Advocacy for Black Refugees Campaign

The Campaign’s mission is to raise awareness, amplify voices, and advocate for Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and HIV issues affecting Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers in Ontario Canada. Join us as we work to break down barriers and create a healthier, more equitable future for all.

About the Campaign

Healthy Futures: SRHR Awareness and Advocacy for Black Refugees Campaign is dedicated to enhancing knowledge and raising awareness among Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees regarding their sexual and reproductive health rights. This campaign addresses the urgent need for culturally appropriate, equitable, and dignified SRHR and HIV/AIDS information and services. By tackling barriers such as cultural and religious beliefs, stigma, and discrimination, the campaign aims to enhance access to these essential services and improve the overall health and well-being of Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees in Ontario Canada.

The Campaign is also committed to mobilizing these communities, amplifying their voices, and demanding increased access to culturally appropriate, equitable, and dignified SRHR and HIV/AIDS information and services.

Primary Objective 

The primary objective of the campaign is to enhance knowledge and awareness among Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers regarding their sexual and reproductive health rights. By mobilizing them and amplifying their voices, the campaign aims to advocate for increased access to SRHR and HIV/AIDS information and services that are culturally sensitive and appropriate. Additionally, the campaign will facilitate referrals and linkages to ensure these communities can effectively access available SRHR services.


Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers often come from communities with conservative cultural and religious beliefs and discriminatory laws that limit access to essential SRHR services. These barriers persist even after they arrive in Canada, impacting their access to SRHR information and services and limiting their health-seeking behavior. This campaign aims to address these challenges by providing accurate information, fostering open conversations, advocating for better access to services, and enhancing access through referrals and linkages.

Campaign Goal

To increase health-seeking behavior among Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees by enhancing their knowledge and awareness of SRHR and HIV/AIDS, and by advocating for their right to access culturally appropriate, equitable, and dignified health services.

Specific Objectives

  • Address Barriers: Challenge and address key barriers, including cultural and religious beliefs, stigma, and discrimination, that hinder access to SRHR services.
  • Dispel Myths: Dispel myths, misconceptions, and misinformation regarding SRHR among Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees.
  • Promote Health-Seeking Behavior: Increase the health-seeking behavior of Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers for SRHR and HIV/AIDS services.
  • Enhance Access: Share resources and facilitate referrals and linkages to ensure Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees can access the SRHR services they need.
  • Amplify Voices: Document and amplify the voices of Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers to share their experiences and advocate for improved SRHR and HIV/AIDS services.
  • Policy Advocacy: Develop and compile advocacy briefs, policy briefs, and position papers to support advocacy efforts.

Our Approach

We believe in a comprehensive and engaging approach to tackle SRHR and HIV issues. Here’s how we’re making a difference:Virtual

Information Sessions

Join our weekly virtual sessions featuring public health experts who will cover a range of SRHR topics. These sessions provide essential information and empower participants to take control of their health.

In-Person Workshops
Participate in our quarterly workshops designed to dive deep into pressing SRHR issues. These interactive sessions offer a safe space for discussion and learning.

Digital Campaign
Follow our digital campaign on social media to stay informed about SRHR and HIV/AIDS. We’ll share educational content, bust myths, and promote health-seeking behaviors.

Interactive Edutainment
Engage with our fun and informative edutainment activities. From music and comedy nights to sports events, we use entertainment to make learning about SRHR enjoyable.

  • Advocacy and Storytelling

Help us amplify the voices of Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees. We document and share personal stories to advocate for better access to SRHR services. Participate in our surveys and contribute to policy briefs and advocacy papers.

Key Issues Addressed by the Campaign 

Our campaign is dedicated to breaking down the barriers that prevent access to essential SRHR and HIV/AIDS services, empowering Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees to take control of their health and well-being. Learn more about the key topics that the Campaign addresses.

    1. Basic Understanding of SRHR and HIV/AIDS. We provide essential information on sexual and reproductive health rights and HIV/AIDS, helping individuals understand these critical aspects of their health and well-being.
    2. Contraceptive Options and Usage. Access to accurate information about various contraceptive methods, their usage, and where to find them is vital. We aim to dispel myths and misconceptions surrounding contraception.
    3. Safe Sex Practices. Education on the importance of condom use and other safe sex practices to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and maintain sexual health.
  • HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment. Comprehensive information on HIV/AIDS transmission, prevention strategies, testing, and treatment options available to refugees in Ontario Canada.
  • Cultural and Religious Barriers. Addressing the impact of cultural and religious beliefs on accessing SRHR services. We work to challenge these barriers and promote more inclusive and equitable healthcare access.
  • Consent and Healthy Relationships. Empowering individuals with knowledge about consent, healthy relationships, and how to deal with sexual violence, ensures everyone understands their rights and boundaries.
  • Reproductive Rights and Abortion. Informing refugees about their reproductive rights, including access to safe and legal abortion services, and providing support for those seeking these services.
  • Mental Health and SRHR. Highlighting the connection between mental health and sexual health, and offering resources for mental health support.
  • Support for LGBTQ+ Refugees. Focusing on the unique SRHR challenges faced by LGBTQ+ refugees and providing tailored resources and support to meet their needs.
  • Emergency Contraception. Providing information on the availability and use of emergency contraception to prevent unintended pregnancies.
  • Sexual Rights and Human Rights. Understanding the link between sexual health and broader human rights, and advocating for the protection and respect of these rights.
  • STI Prevention and Treatment. Education on the prevention, symptoms, and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), ensuring individuals know how to protect themselves and seek help when needed.
  • Healthy Pregnancy and Prenatal Care. Guidance on accessing prenatal care and maintaining a healthy pregnancy, with a focus on the needs of refugee women.
  • Gender-Based Violence. Addressing the impact of gender-based violence on SRHR, providing support services, and advocating for the rights of survivors.

Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved with Healthy Futures: SRHR Awareness and Advocacy for Black Refugees 

  • Attend Events: Join our virtual and in-person events to learn and share.
  • Follow Us Online: Stay updated through our social media channels.
  • Share Your Story: Your experiences can help us advocate for change.
  • Volunteer: Help us organize and run our events.


Explore our collection of resources, including educational materials, referral information, and links to SRHR services. Our goal is to ensure that every refugee and asylum seeker has the tools they need to make informed health decisions.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to get involved? Contact us at or follow us on social media for the latest updates and event information.

Together, we can break the barriers and build a healthier future for Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees in Canada

Contact Us

Have questions or want to get involved? Contact us at or follow us on social media for the latest updates and event information.

Together, we can break the barriers and build a healthier future for Black African and LGBTQ+ refugees in Canada